Reptile-faced Greenblatt is now a “terrorism” expert. As an Israeli coming of age in the 1990’s I beg to differ. Terrorism is when your friends…
Like many Israelis of a certain farmer-soldier type, I am not very religious. However, “I was once young and now am old”, and with age,…
Why is the ADL so insistent on portraying America as “racist, sexist, homophobic,” you know the drill? Are they really too idiotic to notice that…
Before the age of Naomi Klein, Judith Butler, Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, before the shrieking and frenzied hysteria, before the zealotry and ugliness, there existed…
Greenblatt, the reptile-faced CEO of the ADL, now accuses MTG of “bigotry” for refusing to succumb to the trans-sexual craze. Why is Greeblatt co-opting the…
The brave little toasters at the ADL are going international. Apparently nagging incessantly to Americans about “hate” is not enough. Now the ADL is after…
The lack of self-awareness is bordering on psychosis. The ADL is now extending its shield to cover for… a billionaire named Plotkin. A hedge fund…
LOL! The ADL, that fungal self-appointed arbiter of “hate,” complains about Europeans using “antisemitism as a political tool.” LOL again. This is what the ADL…
We Jews come in many shapes and flavors (well, maybe not THAT many shapes). Not mutually exclusive, there are French Jews, Israeli Jews, American Jews,…