If recent events have not persuaded American Jews they should avoid Wokery like the plague, nothing shall ever do so. Where do I begin? Rep.…
Recent street riots in Israel made me recall that wonderful quote from Michel Faber’s lovely novel The Crimson Petal and the White: “Thank God for…
The ADL, which long ago relinquished any ties to anything resembling traditional Judaism, has found a new faith. Needless to say, it is the faith…
I once was young and now am old. And in my youth, I used to analyze the case for Israeli peace, or war, with the…
Jews Behaving Badly Of the pseudo-sciences of the 19th century, the most convincing is physiognomy. We definitely CAN judge a person by the features of…
As a child of the ’90s, I remember a seemingly race-less world: Dawson’s friends and Captain Planet’s team would simply live their lives, absorbed indeed…
The grievance industry is a profitable business! Here is the ADL’s reptilian in chief, Jonathan Greenblatt, providing us with the perfect example! This is classic…
Jews Behaving Badly Admittedly, I wasn’t looking too hard. Schumer is always a safe bet. And in a way, my laziness was inspired by Schumer…
As our fiscal erosion sends investors to find refuge in Bitcoin, our societal erosion is raising the value of Vict-coin. What is Vict-coin? Clearly, it…
The ADL’s long, scaly arm is outstretched in a slap to South Africa. I am no fan of that dysfunctional country, once famous for its…