Jonathan Greenblatt goes to war! ADL watchers might have noticed lately an emergent trend: Through the fetid fumes and steam, the harrowing screeching and frenzied…
Jews dwelling in Christendom have always had a complex pull-push relationship with Easter. The pull, as so often is the case with our triumphant daughter,…
Jews Behaving Badly Adam Milstein, an Israeli who had immigrated to these shores in the 1970s, has prospered well under America’s system of liberty and…
The ADL keeps expanding its brand as the “Hate is Us” super wokestore. And now, an assault on Arkansas. That state, per the ADL, has…
How should a conservative Jew relate to the Holocaust? In short, in the same manner, a conservative should relate to life in general – through…
The prevalence of our ill-behaving Semitic brethren amongst Left-wing organizations has encouraged some to make the following argument: Jews are over-represented among Left-wing hordes, and…
It seems like everything that happens in American Politics these days must be compared to something in the rise of the Nazi regime. I don’t…
Jews Behaving Badly As the frogs inflicted upon the Egyptians, Jews behaving badly are never a scarce resource. I am always tempted to choose Bette…
All roads lead back to Edmund Burke. The father of modern conservatism, a British statesman, thinker, and orator, was horrified by the experience of the…
Welcome to THC’s new weekly blockbusting award show: Jews Behaving Badly, Jews Behaving Well. Each week we shall crown the winners! Jews behaving badly will…